About Us

Join Us

You can be that difference—whether you have a story to share or the skills to help deliver our personal wellbeing programs, we’d love to hear from you!

Your knowledge is our power

At Raiys, we believe that collaborating with experienced associates enriches our mission and amplifies our impact. If you have expertise in wellbeing, coaching, or related fields, we invite you to join us and contribute your insights to drive meaningful change and enhance the workplace wellbeing landscape.

Your story helps us make sense of the world

Your story has the power to inspire and drive action. Our digital streaming service Ashia features thousands of videos and podcasts featuring real people sharing their experiences, which help us to learn and take ownership of our wellbeing.

Please join us in contributing your story to empower others and make a meaningful impact. It’s a simple, easy and rewarding experience. Get in touch. We’d love to meet you.

Raiys Your Wellbeing

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