Raiys Technology is ORCHA Certified

ORCHA review and approve apps for the NHS as well as national health bodies around the world. 85% of health apps do not meet ORCHA's quality thresholds. We are proud that Raiys is certified - this gives great confidence and reassurance to our clients and users.

What is ORCHA?

ORCHA is the world’s leading review platform for digital health services and ensures that new technologies meet trusted standards and regulatory requirements. The ORCHA database holds only safe, accredited, compliant, and trusted digital health products that can be prescribed to patients by healthcare professionals.

Evidence-based Framework

Following a thorough assessment of the platform which looks at a digital health technology’s nature and purpose and identifies which of the 350+ criteria points, it meets across the three key areas examined, Raiys successfully passed excelling in the areas of:

  • Data & Privacy
  • Clinical/Professional Assurance
  • Usability & Accessibility

The ORCHA review comprises nationally recognised digital health standards and regulations and includes an adapted version of the NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) Evidence Standards Framework.

Having previously achieved WCAG AA accessibility standards, Cyber Essentials and ISO 27001, this is another significant recognition of the high standards of our professionalism and delivery.

Craig Lewis - Head of Wellness at Raiys comments

“This is a great achievement for the Raiys team. This accreditation validates the focus Raiys has had from the very start in creating trusted technology to support users to develop their wellbeing, mindset, and growth, in and out of work.''

The technology that powers Raiys is already used by a wide range of organisations, large and small, with around 750,000 employees having access to the ‘Wellbeing’ and ‘Growth’ tools and features, mental health support, and 1:1 coaching available within the app.

ORCHA review and approve apps for the NHS as well as national health bodies around the world. 85% of health apps do not meet ORCHA's quality thresholds. We are proud that Raiys is certified - this gives great confidence and reassurance to our clients and users.

Open your businesses to the potential of workplace wellbeing. Book a demo today.